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Flat 304L or 316L Stainless Steel Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket

Kaxite™ Engineering produce Flat 304L or 316L Stainless Steel Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket for Gasket manufacturing with High performance & Best After-sale Service. More news about Flat 304L or 316L Stainless Steel Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket pls contact us
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  • Spiral wound gasket is made of V-Shape Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket or W-shaped metallic strip with soft non-metallic filler such as Graphite, PTFE, Mica by spiral winding, and connected the end by spot welding. In addition spiral wound gasket, we can supply Flat or V or W-Shape Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket separately. Flat Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape also can be for Double jacketed gaskets, and eyelets of gaskets

  • Spiral wound gasket is made of Flat Shape Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket with soft non-metallic filler such as Graphite, PTFE, Mica by spiral winding, and connected the end by spot welding. In addition spiral wound gasket, we can supply Flat or V or W-Shape Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket separately. Flat Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape also can be for Double jacketed gaskets, and eyelets of gaskets

  • Spiral wound gasket is made of Stainless Steel 316 Metallic Winding Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket or W-shaped metallic strip with soft non-metallic filler such as Graphite, PTFE, Mica by spiral winding, and connected the end by spot welding. In addition spiral wound gasket, we can supply Flat or V or W-Shape Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket separately. Flat Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape also can be for Double jacketed gaskets, and eyelets of gaskets

  • Spiral wound gasket is made of Stainless Steel 304 Metallic Winding Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket or W-shaped metallic strip with soft non-metallic filler such as Graphite, PTFE, Mica by spiral winding, and connected the end by spot welding. In addition spiral wound gasket, we can supply Flat or V or W-Shape Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket separately. Flat Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape also can be for Double jacketed gaskets, and eyelets of gaskets

  • Spiral wound gasket is made of Flat Stainless Steel 316 or 304 Spool Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket or W-shaped metallic strip with soft non-metallic filler such as Graphite, PTFE, Mica by spiral winding, and connected the end by spot welding. In addition spiral wound gasket, we can supply Flat or V or W-Shape Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape for Spiral Wound Gasket separately. Flat Stainless Steel Metallic Strip Tape also can be for Double jacketed gaskets, and eyelets of gaskets
